Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Infrastructure management.

To improve the management of the city development special emphasis management infrastructure development of the city, which largely depends on the creation of enabling environment and improving the living standards of its population. Achieving such a position involves a transformation of the city on the development of management through a systematic approach and create a targeted program management across infrastructure of municipal economy.

Grigory Sokolov
Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


In modern life, the importance of sports in our lives is very large. In trend, a healthy way of life, and with it the development of infrastructure and sports clubs and fitness centers. For most people, sport is not just a fad, but a part of life. Our life is unthinkable without traffic, but it is in sport we can talk about active movement and the health of our body. Therefore, the role of sport can not be underestimated, because it not only helps to keep yourself in good shape, but also allows to some extent discipline of human life.

Grigory Sokolov
Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Monday, April 28, 2014

Parks and alley

People always tends to the forest, to the mountains, to the beach, river or lake. Here he feels a surge of strength vigor. No wonder they say that it is best to rest in the lap of nature, the landscape may have different effects on our emotional state. Contemplation of the beauties of nature stimulates vitality and calms the nervous system. Vegetable biocenosis, especially forests, have very strong healing effect. Their cool, harmony of sounds and colors, the variety of smells particularly pleasant person.

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Дневник 26.04.2014 Итоги недели

Пока все пары находятся в диапазоне и близки к своим справедливым ценам. Ордера по GBP/USD, GPB/JPY - отыграли свои сигналы. Сейчас присмотреться особо не к чему. AUD/USD перспективен к покупкам при новых минимумах, но нужно 0,92 пощупать. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Infrastructure investments

Infrastructure investments are seen as an essential tool to create conditions for economic growth and new jobs , especially given the excess capacity in the manufacturing industry . Investment in infrastructure - it is an ideal way of redistribution of resources and labor from stagnating sectors in the industry that can provide long-term economic growth. According to widely accepted estimates Mark Zandi - chief economist of Moody's Economy, public investment in infrastructure to stimulate private investment : every dollar spent on infrastructure projects , causing a ripple effect in the amount of $ 1.59 Moreover, the overall business benefits due to cost reduction - transport , communication , energy and water .

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chill the city

Chill the city as living environment , determined by the following factors:
- Transport accessibility ;
- Availability of parking spaces in the courtyard and in the central part of the city ;
- Availability of sports facilities designed to improve the nation's health and increase the availability of sports
- Environmental conditions, lack of waste and emissions into the environment.
Company Sputnik IQ has developed a number of projects that allow to solve the basic problems of urban residents in the most favorable conditions. for people for the same customers.

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030

Skype: Grishaperm

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Free parking

Favorable economic situation has led to the fact that a huge number of cars. Existing transport and logistics system does not have time to digest such a high growth vehicles. The consequence is not only huge traffic jams , but the inability to park the car . How much time do you spend searching for car parking and , coming to the office or shopping mall ?

In large cities , metropolitan areas is growing not only building density , but also the cost of land. The status quo can be corrected by the use of modern technologies parking .

We offer equipment that allows you to create an automated mechanized parking.

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Technical progres

Technical progress accelerates the process of urbanization, which in turn causes drastic changes in the habitat and lifestyle of the person. Changes in the urban environment and entail changes to the requirements for the quality of human life. In addition to scientific and technical progress and all the "benefits of civilization", a person needs in a supportive environment - a positive ecological environment plays a very important, and for many psychological comfort is an important indicator.

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Friday, April 18, 2014


Engineering is defined as a set of intellectual activities, which has as its ultimate goal of getting the best (optimal) results from investments or other costs associated with the implementation of various projects by selecting the most rational and efficient use of materials, labor, technological and financial resources in their unity and relationship, as well as organization and management methods, based on the latest scientific and technological developments and the specific conditions and projects.

Grigory Sokolov
Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 247-9044
Skype: Grishaperm

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Masdar , UAE

This city of the future is now in the final stages of construction. The first residents are already populated in their apartments . Masdar - not just artificially created city applying for status as a world center of renewable energy and environmentally friendly technologies . This new way of thinking and life, vision for the future , based on the latest trends .
City has 50 000 people. The main sources of energy are wind , sun and hydrogen . The program includes a mandatory recycling of waste , some of the components that will be used in road construction. Masdar is designed in such a way as to use 54% less electricity and water than average in Abu Dhabi .
Realizing the economic fluctuations that depend on the use of natural resources, the government of Abu Dhabi for example Masdar seeks to demonstrate the possibility of leaving on unstable oil market.

Grigoriy Sokolov

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

City needs the mind

City is like an idiot-age in the incubator. He is helpless without his many servants. He is able to think only very slowly and collectively, and in an emergency situation is not able to think at all. Can think of some people, but the city - an independent body, it requires managing the mind and nervous system. Destroy its water supply system, and he will die. Take away his guiding mind, and he commits suicide.

Grigoriy Sokolov

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 294-3030
Skype: Grishaperm

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Make city better

Make cities such that they can be proud of, to them it was possible to work, think and relax and not get sick from neurasthenia and tram rabies. It is necessary that the city did not oppress the mind that we do not put up with him as a necessity, so we did not hate it as something that reduces life, and came to him, as in his house full of friends, books and work.

Grigoriy Sokolov

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
       +7 (342) 247-9044
Skype: Grishaperm

Monday, April 14, 2014

City Infrastructure

Infrastructure investments are seen as an essential tool to create conditions for economic growth and new jobs , especially given the excess capacity in the manufacturing industry . Investment in infrastructure - it is an ideal way of redistribution of resources and labor from stagnating sectors in the industry that can provide long-term economic growth. According to widely accepted estimates Mark Zandi - chief economist of Moody's Economy, public investment in infrastructure to stimulate private investment : every dollar spent on infrastructure projects , causing a ripple effect in the amount of $ 1.59 Moreover, the overall business benefits due to cost reduction - transport , communication , energy and water .

Unfortunately, the public debate about the infrastructure in world and abroad often concentrate only around investment in the development of passenger transport . However, to ensure long-term economic growth is necessary to find the optimal combination of infrastructure investments in various industries , including the production and social spheres , which is currently in World.

Worlds failure to modernize the rail and road network , inland waterways , ports , airports, etc. greatly reduces the efficiency of the national economy. According to some estimates , even in the U.S. direct and indirect economic losses due to higher logistics costs have increased from 8.6 % of GDP in 2003 to 10 % in 2008 [1] In world, they are significantly higher. At the same time, developing countries in Asia, especially China and India are investing heavily in the development of first-class transport and communication infrastructure .

Need to invest considerable capital in almost all sectors of infrastructure , ranging from universal high-speed broadband communication systems to transport and energy systems.

Grigoriy Sokolov

Tel.   +7 (922) 332-2013
         +7 (342) 247-9044
Skype:  Grishaperm 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Дневник 12.04.2014 Скрин

Общая обстановка предполагает сильное ослабление Бакса. 
Вообще у США долг близится к 100% ВВП. Такое было только перед Второй мировой. В Википедии написано, что опережающие темпы роста экономики США позволили снизить уровень долга до 33%. На самом деле для США война -всегда хорошо - повод скинуть с плеч свой долг. Самое интересное что самые крупные кредиторы это Китай и Япония, и основной рынок экспорта для них опять же США. Получается Штаты просто набрали у этих стран товара на 2 трлн. баксов... а деньги не отдали... ))
Думаю никто не сомневается, что Янки как и раньше воспользуются грязными и аморальными методами обнуления долгов... 
США это страна, которая построена в буквальном смысле на костях- индейцев и чернокожих рабов. Удивительная все таки у них политика в стиле супер наглости. Пернуть в автобусе и громче всех возмущаться и спросить кто завонял... 

Пора бы США и Англию послать... Они манят нас печеньками, но показывают нам совсем другое место. 

Бакс себя изжил. Пора обновить минимумы - это естественный путь, попытка дестабилизировать обстановку в мире на этот раз может выйти им боком. Глобальный противник Россия стала изрядно мешать господам заокеанским.

Коридор вниз резко ограничен на 1,23.