Monday, October 19, 2015

Few words about Design

Contract "All inclusive" a single system of responsibilities for the overall project. It gives an opportunity to minimize construction time and cost, and, most importantly, fosters compliance with these conditions. The organization of works for this type of contract makes the process of designing more continuous.

The result is a feedback system, i.e. identification of deficiencies in the project, their rapid elimination and constant updating of the project during its implementation. The possibility of combining design and construction, the preconditions of which are laid in the system of the production process, can significantly reduce the duration of the investment cycle.

A team of professional managers act as a project management unit, which coordinates the investment process. The constructions with a predominance of modern technologies are more likely to be run by engineering company or management team as they, along with the management process can adequately address issues related to the attraction of new industrial technologies.

Main functions of Project director in Design
  • Creation of new and modernization of old structures and products of the current production, providing a very high technical level, its’ compliance with modern scientific achievements and technical esthetics. 
  • Adoption of measures to accelerate the design development, including advanced materials and introduction of scientific and technological achievements. 
  • Organization of project development of new experimental and industrial installations, optional equipment and accessories in connection with the reconstruction of objects and mechanization of labor-intensive processes. 
  • Carrying out works to improve harmonization, standardization and certification of structures of developed products. 
  • Providing compliance with new designs and upgraded performance specifications, standards, requirements and the rational organization of labor protection, safety standards. 
  • Preparation of feasibility studies of the effectiveness of new engineering developments and their advantages over previous manufactures. 
  • Organization of the development of the perspective and current plans for the introduction of new technology, design pre-production, research activities and their implementation monitoring. 
  • Providing implementation of computer-aided design, preparation, coordination and approval of drawings and other technical documents developed by design units. 
  • Implementation of the technical specifications for design, sketch, technical and operational projects. 

  • Shortening the time of development of new technology, cost and design preparation cycle of production through the introduction of advanced design techniques, computer and telecommunications technology, advanced methods of reproduction of technical documentation in projects of standardized units. 
  • Organization and production of prototypes, their experimental verification, testing of the initial batch and production of the first production batches. 
  • Participation in the testing, commissioning and start-up of new product designs. 
  • Supervision under the manufacturing of products and their exploitation. 
  • Introduction of innovations and inventions. 
  • Taking part in the preparation of technical specifications for the development of urban and architectural solutions. 
  • Providing compliance with developed urban and architectural solutions to current regulations, environmental requirements and environmental standards. 
  • Supervision under construction of designed objects. 
  • Participation in the analysis and synthesis of experience in the development and implementation of architectural and urban planning decisions in the construction. 
  • Development of sketches, drawings, concepts, options of rational economic design solutions, calculations and explanatory notes. 
  • Preparation of the required design specifications and baseline data for the design of adjacent units. 
  • Systematic supervision under the work process, its’ coordination in accordance with the approved schedule, distribution or redistribution of the workload between units. 
  • Verification of engineering solutions in the design of output estimates 
  • Use of advanced and modern methods and forms of organization and technologies in design, means and methods of design work. 
  • Participation in the consideration of the completed project, the verification of the necessary changes, made in it.